Thursday, October 29, 2009

Migraines= Cupcakes

Isn't it beautiful? This is what my sweet, darling husband brought me today while the kids were napping. SO here is the story: Lastnight I had what I believe to be my third migraine. I guess I have gotten one a month for the past three months. ...I am going to start tracking them in case they continue... Anyway, it started around 5p.m. and when I got home from church lastnight at 9p.m. it was full blown sweating, nausea, and of course a severe headache. I called Wes on my way home to let him know how I was feeling and when he was talking all of his words were running together and I literally wanted to throw my phone across the car to make the words stop, but I grasp some rationality from deep within and told him I would see him at home because I felt horrible and could not talk. But when I got home he came and helped me get my things from the car, got me a cold clothe for my head, he had already cleaned the dishes, and was just completely sweet and understanding.. I have been SO Blessed, because everytime I have gotten these symptoms of whatever is going on I have been able to lay down and sleep!! The first time I got one I went to BED at 5 p.m. There is no way I could do this unless someone up stairs was shining some love down on me, and helping my body to rest! So that is what I did I went to bed, and woke up with just a slight headache.... ANYWAY this is the best part! Wonderful Wesley called me moments ago and asked me how I was feeling, and that my diet would have to go on hold for the day because he was bringing me something. Hm... WHAT COULD IT BE.. I was so excited to see what sweet, delish dessert I would be getting?? And a Crave Cupcake it was! I have never had one.. and it was AMAZING! After looking at the website I have decided I would like to try one of each! They all look so yummy! Here is the site, if anyone in Houston wants to try them! Just my opinion, but I think it was better than Sprinkles Cupcakes!

Just wanted to let everyone know how great my husband is to take time out of his busy day to take care of me! So precious!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Jet is all ready for Halloween

Here is my OTHER adorable nephew... Jet Briggs Cocotos in his Halloween costume. God blessed and added to our family this summer! I cannot wait to see him for Thanksgiving. He is growing SO fast.

His beautiful mommy, Kim. Doesn't she look great for just having a baby!

Perfect Friday Night... for us old folk

So I have known for a while now how pathetic Wes and I are, but I think he just realized it a few moments ago on our way to the grocery store... yes on Friday night. This weather and the smell of everyone's fires has really gotten me in the mood to go camping, so I told Wes I think it would be romantic to go just the two of us for once. Than I was thinking maybe just one other couple would be nice, so I asked him who he would want to bring... THIS is the moment he came to the conclusion we are loser home-bodies. He asked me... 'well who do we hang out with alot???' HAHAHAHA..ummm.... NO one. We both get home at 8:30 or later at night.. and stay pretty busy on the weekends as well. We go out of town alot to see family... but hardly go out with friends. So there it is.. we have admitted we have a problem so now we can take the appropriate steps to fix it!

And now that we are back from the store we are making a LATE dinner and I am drinking coffee with my new creamer! One of the best parts of fall/winter.. all the seasonal creamers come out! I am enjoying the Pumpkin Pie Spice this evening, and I highly recommend it!

Since it is so nice and chilly outside, I normally bust out Serendipity with my coffee because it reminds me of lounging on the couch with Michelle in college. But Wes has already seen it 3 times this fall.. yep in just a one month span.. SO my second thought was Sex and the City the last season with Alexander Petrovsky because it is winter in New York and Paris that season but like most men Wes hates SATC.... so after looking through all our movies P.S. I Love You it is! Another great night with the Hubs!

Friday, October 16, 2009

More Liam pictures

Proud Grandparents

Super proud parents!!!

Have you ever seen such a beautiful child???? It makes me want to cry! How can people not know there is a God?? Look how perfect he is...

Mommy and Liam are tired.. just takin a little nap together!